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You are joining paranormal investigators, "Spirit Seekers Ireland", on their investigation of the Clare Abbey ruins in County Clare, Ireland.
€19.99 Per game
A Viking adventure!
€50.00–€75.00 Per game
Recently several strange fact happened in town, farmers have seen their whole harvest gone rot overnight and strange creatures has been heard howling from the woods. You have to find …
€60.00 Per game
A virtual world based on real world data full of real world clues that you'll need to research to solve. Not a live action zoom converted to online, but a …
£14.95 Per player
A tropical catastrophe!
It is Year 972: Brian Boru is planning to attack the Vikings to gain full control of Limerick. You and your friends have stealthily crept into his tower war room.
Save your police captain before it's too late in this real life Escape Room. Play via our inventory system for gameplay.
C$15.00 Per game
You need to access the Recovery Software to retrieve the parcel delivery addresses! Not succeeding would mean no Christmas presents! 2020 has already been bad enough, you cannot let this …
€19.85 Per game