
Puzzle Punks


Escape Room Games
Puzzle Punks

Save King's Landing

Live Avatar

A thrilling Game Of Thrones inspired game! Be a hero, save the kingdom!

€60.00 Per game

Puzzle Punks

Secret treasure of Dubrovnik

Live Avatar

Educational and fun, a game designed using real history facts!

€60.00 Per game

Opening hours

When can I play?

Puzzle Punks operates in CET which is currently 1 hours ahead UTC

Sunday 12 pm - 2 am CET
Monday 12 pm - 2 am CET
Tuesday 12 pm - 2 am CET
Wednesday 12 pm - 2 am CET
Thursday 12 pm - 4 am CET
Friday 12 pm - 4 am CET
Saturday 12 pm - 4 am CET

Check the booking page for available time slots.


Reviews for Puzzle Punks
Feb 2021
Puzzle Punks: Save King’s Landing (Play at Home)
Our avatar, Sir Dontos played his role of the fool perfectly. With the 360 view, the inventory, and Sir Dontos, we had everything we needed to have an enjoyable stay in King’s Landing and came away from this game with that wonderful escape room buzz.

You don’t need to know anything about Game of Thrones to enjoy this game, obviously if you do enjoy GoT then you may get a little more out of it, but however you look at it, this is a fun game. —
read the full review from Review The Room
Reviewing Save King's Landing
Jun 2020
An escape room with a dash of Dubrovnik history
A simpler room, but filled with history and intrigue and still managed to pack in a few surprises thanks to the use of tech. Our guide, Ivan, did a great job in bringing the theme to life. — read the full review from Review The Room
Reviewing Secret treasure of Dubrovnik
Jun 2020
Remote Play Review: Puzzle Punks - Secret Treasure of Dubrovnik
Wait… learning can be fun?! And we can become filthy rich in the process?
Dubrovnik here we come! —
read the full review from Escape Authority
Reviewing Secret treasure of Dubrovnik
May 2020
We felt like we step foot in an old museum of artifacts and antiques
Although "Saving King's Landing" might be their more popular game choice due to the "Game of Thrones" inspired theme, we enjoyed this game more. — read the full review from ESCAPETHEROOMers
Reviewing Secret treasure of Dubrovnik
May 2020
Best fit for families, children, history lovers
The most appealing factor of this room would be the puzzle themselves. — read the full review from Escape Mattster
Reviewing Secret treasure of Dubrovnik
Ser Dontos Saves Kings Landing!
Let me just say - Ser Dontos alone is worth the (virtual) visit here! Seriously, he was amazing and his character made our experience both hilarious and immersive. The puzzles were fun too, but Ser Dontos was the shining star of this one, hands down. — read the full review from I Virtually Escaped
Reviewing Save King's Landing