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Your team found refuge in a prison, now they have to make it a safe place to live. You have 75 minutes to do it or will be GAME OVER!
€11.00–€20.00 Per player
You must gain access to the TOP SECRET XJ7 missile blueprints from inside a maximum security vault. You have 75 minutes to do it or will be GAME OVER!
A really fun game structure that lets you rewind, and really challenges outside-the-box thinking. If you like improv, interacting with in-game characters, and have a good sense of humor, this …
$179.00 Per game
It's Christmas Eve and six presents have gone missing! You must break into Santa's cabin, find the gifts, and save Christmas before the time runs out.
C$20.00 Per player
Sky High is an award winning escape room! The story based, movie like live video escape room Experience is a must do! Only in English.
€99.00 Per game
Dead Uncle Frank has cursed your family from beyond the grave. Aghast. You can stop the curse from Frank’s mansion and fortunately cousin Jordan lives nearby, but they need help...
C$114.95 Per game