“The Great Noximillian, world-renowned magician, is hiding more than just tricks up his sleeve. His past five assistants have mysteriously gone missing...now his latest assistant, Casey, is desperate to uncover the truth behind these disturbing disappearances. Find out what Noximillian has been hiding and solve the mystery before the show is over and Casey’s time is up!” — read more
The Vanishing Act Remote is the online version of Locurio's award-winning escape room game, guaranteed to engage your mind on a 90-minute adventure!
Led by a live, in-character host, you'll explore Noximillian's dressing room as you attempt to solve the mystery of his missing assistants - will you be able to save his current assistant, Casey, before their show is over...for good?Opening hours
Locurio operates in PST which is currently 8 hours behind UTC
Sunday | 11:30 am - 4 pm PST |
Monday | Closed |
Tuesday | Closed |
Wednesday | Closed |
Thursday | 5:30 pm - 7:45 pm PST |
Friday | 5:30 pm - 7:45 pm PST |
Saturday | 11:30 am - 7:45 pm PST |
Check the booking page for available time slots.
It's very important to have 4 devices connected to this game, since each device will receive a different part for various puzzles. This was a good conceit, forcing a high level of collaboration and teamwork. Lots of good, inventive, and fairly tough puzzles. And an extremely pleasant GM!
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